General / 31 January 2021

Starting Again

Hi I'm Dylan Love and this is my current progress on my student film.

This project became a little more ambitious than I originally intended. I really meant to challenge my skills in some of these shots and at times it got the best of me. Now my class is over and I've become yet another student who's failed to finish his first film. I'm hoping to rectify that.

Now that I no longer have the deadlines imposed by my class I needed a way to keep myself accountable. There's still a lot of work to do, but I think if I apply myself I can make something to be proud of. I'm intending to update this blog about once a month, sharing the progress I've made so far, and the challenges I find myself dealing with. 

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. If you have any feedback, it's always appreciated. In the future I'll be including Syncsketch links for those who're interested in doing draw overs. However, there's a lot of stuff I know I need to fix first.

Thanks again for checking this out, I hope you have an awesome day!